In recent years, both developed and developing countries, interest has been formed to develop nuclear power. In the United States for decades to build new nuclear reactors is now officially left the budget for new reactors. Europe (except France) nuclear power plant almost 20 years of no interest, while today against nuclear energy in Europe is very big interest. British Government announced support on this issue. A referendum in Italy twenty years ago the decision taken at the end of the lock was shot in a nuclear reactor. In May 2008, the Italians will be built within five years, announced plans for Nuclear Power Plant. Germany and Sweden are against nuclear energy to protect their attitudes. Finland is building a fifth nuclear power plant.
Latin America up to the Gulf of Basra more than 40 developing countries, nuclear energy program to start in the near future that they are relevant United Nations officials shared. At the end of 2007, Egypt to meet rising energy needs to build several nuclear power plants announced. In September 2008, a senior energy official with Brazil, his country's intention in the next half-century is to build 50-60 nuclear power plants announced.
Easy to see why this interest: (a) to diversify their energy sources, reduce dependence on fossil fuel imports and to help to prevent power outages. (b) defense against rising energy prices. (c) to reduce air pollution. (d) against climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions to fight.
Important new developments of interest in nuclear power revival, new designs and operating performance compared to two decades, significant improvements helped. The new streamlined licensing processes, reduce uncertainty and promise the establishment of nuclear power plants easier. Validity and power plant efficiency also increased dramatically in the United States in 1970-1980s, nuclear facilities, energy efficiency and 67%, whereas today this ratio is 92% in the same manner as plant safety is extremely enhanced, reduced energy losses. Technical developments and designs by reducing the cost of simplifying the construction and operation of facilities provide more energy to produce. Nuclear energy is a sustainable technology? Current consumption rate of uranium resources 68000th tons / year, 70-80 this year will be enough, but quickly. Therefore, a technology is not sustainable. If uranium enrichment and recycling is taken into consideration if sustainable practices are accepted as unrestricted.
Concerns in the United States and Western Europe to develop nuclear power concerns are gathered around a few items: (i), albeit a low probability of a nuclear accident can be very large consequences. (ii) a permanent and safe disposal of nuclear waste for a comprehensive, generally accepted lack of a plan, (iii) the interest in nuclear energy, will accelerate the spread of nuclear weapons.
Two serious effects earn large reactor accidents over the decades have passed and still could not be deleted from the memory has marked the history of nuclear power. Kazası Three Mile Island (1979), with a combination of failures and human error occurred and death along with other health effects on humans caused. The most severe effects on the mental health Winning the effects were. Accident at Chernobyl (Ukraine, 1986), a large explosion was occurring in the reactor core. High dose of radiation into the open at the time of the explosion with just 50 workers died. In our country, including many around the country had a negative effect on living things. Security, the growth of society's concern is absolutely. To be done, something that should be both cost and technological advantages and acceptable risk levels should be determined. Decisions at risk, taking into account the voices of all stakeholders, should be taken through a process of social debate. Well-prepared infrastructure, risk should be minimized.
Nuclear waste Nuclear Waste Disposal to Eden, for the nuclear industry's expansion is a definite obstacle. Radioactive waste management problems in this perspective is important. Obtained from nuclear power plants around the world, this type of waste volume is approximately 12,000 tons / year. However, the resulting waste of fossil fuels in the world about 8.5 billion tons / year is. A large part of this enormous mass being released into the atmosphere each year, the rest is caused by environmental pollution. Nevertheless, nuclear waste disposal for nuclear energy worldwide continues to be a powerful obstacle. Secure storage is available for the technical solutions adopted by the technical experts and observers are.
Nuclear disarmament Nuclear Armaments risk on many occasions to express different aspects of a subject as complex and controversial. As with many other issues, nuclear disarmament or mainly under the influence of political decisions remain. Nuclear energy produces a country to produce nuclear weapons over time can lead. Approximately 40 countries have this capacity.
Nuclear energy does not spread and greenhouse gas results for the global demand for the supply of electricity in the most likely will play a growing role. But nuclear energy for electricity generation will always controversial issue. Because the unresolved issues, safety, nuclear waste and nuclear proliferation are associated with potential problems. Indeed, nuclear weapons are fear into the hearts of many people the word. So, safety, waste, nuclear proliferation and cost issues must be overcome. Indeed, nuclear energy is an issue difficult to say yes or no. Most people say no one has the other side as well derken yes. This technology should be well thought-out pros and cons are being started, I really experts' opinions should be taken.
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